Mazurik Restrooms & Fish Cleaning Station
Lakeside Marblehead, Ohio
Scope of work was to design new Restroom Building with separate ADA unisex toilet rooms, janitor space and multi-use men’s and women’s toilet rooms. Provide extended roof to protect entrances and provide a space for people to gather under a protected roof. Design new Fish Cleaning Station with (2) fish cleaning tables, fish scaler, hand sink and storage. Provide 8’-0” ht fence around the station for security. Incorporate ODNR standards for materials and research quality products that are made for this application. Buildings shall be durable and include sustainable design methods throughout. Site design includes new sidewalks to both buildings, new driveway to improve access to the buildings for both Mazurik boaters/fishermen and for those coming from other marinas just to utilize the fish cleaning station. Provide ADA parking, sidewalks, and access to both buildings.
1,120 sf Restrooms
1,242 sf Fish Cleaning Station
Project Gallery